Well Strip Microplate Ejector #8700

The Well Strip Ejector is very easy to operate. Locate a place on a smooth lab bench. Lift the handle containing the microplate carrier and insert the Stripwell plate into the two side slots into the carrier frame, face up. Leave the carrier containing your Stripwell micro-plate in the raised position, allowing access to all twelve black Ejection bar strips.

Select the Ejection Bar positions that line up with strip or strips you wish to remove from the carrier frame, and lift the others up and out of the machine carriage. With the Stripwell microplate fully seated to the rear of the carrier frame, simply press down firmly on the operating handle to eject the strip/s you have selected.
The selected strip/s will "pop" up, and by raising the carrier frame slightly, you will be able to slide the entire microplate towards you and out of the carrier frame.

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